Boston plays tonight at 8:07. I have never understood why baseball games don't start on the hour or half hour. They always start a few min before or after the hour or half hour. Dodgers v Phillies start at 8:22. Why? Can anyone posit a good reason?
The new Ray LaMontagne album came out today. It is gewd. It is raspy voiced mellowness, perfect for back deck sitting, glass-o-wine drinking, fall evenings.
Have any of you ever heard of the phrase "stroked a check"? My brother says the term is sweeping the nation of hipster speak. I have never heard of it. . . and neither had google so methinks it can't be that popular.
That's all I've got for today . . . you shouldn't be reading this anyway, it is gorgeous outside. Back away from the computer and go outside and play.
In case you were wondering, "The Sports Gal took the week off for reasons that remain unclear."
Monday, October 13, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
How Do You Know the Economy is Bad . . .

. . . apparently via pictures of insanely expressive stock traders who have nothing else to do but stand around gasping in horror.
Seriously, is the NY stock exchange populated entirely with mimes? And what are they looking at? I mean yeah seeing AIG's stock plummet to 14 cents can't be all that comforting but these people look like they're witnessing puppies being tossed off a 10 story building.
In case you were wondering, this guy's my favorite:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Its Tuesday

I told you.
Eating into my BoSox joy is the fact that we have another dead mouse. It appears that there may not be a council of mouse elders sending out their more well evolved mice constituents to best our trap but rather a litter of orphaned baby mice almost too light to trip the trap. This is very distressing. . . probably more so for Kelly b/c I keep making her dispose of the little mouse bodies but I might have a solution. Check this out:

In case you were wondering, a US spacecraft has beamed back some first ever, high resolution images of Mercury. I wasn't really wondering about this but it was the only headline on that I could bring myself to bother reading. I mean really here were my other options: "Rumors swirl that 'View' co-host is bolting", "Kimmel, Sarah Silverman back on", and "Power Ranger faces death penalty in yacht killing" Really?
Monday, October 6, 2008
Go Sox
So the mouse is back. Well not THE mouse I suppose, another one just like him but smarter.
In fact we've had 3 mice: the original mouse who started the tomato caper, the second mouse who was smaller and nearly escaped the trap, (Kelly found him butt first in the trap like he managed to get in, eat, and turn to bolt, before tripping the mouse crushing bar.) and the third mouse who has actually successfully escaped the trap. . . we found the trap tripped but void of smashed mouse and void of the peanut butter we used to lure him in there.
So apparently this is a bit of Darwinism on display. The mice council of elders sends out the big dummy mouse to see what happens. Blam, he gets smashed but they get a little bit of intel about the trap from his buddy who was watching and nudging "no you first Goober, you're good at this sort of thing, you'll be fine, I'll wait right here". So then they think, we just need a quicker mouse to beat the trap and sure enough they find a brave speedy little mouse who's happy to give it a go. He's marginally more successful but still smashed city.
So now they've sent out a new mouse who is apparently the right mix of speed and smarts . . . You've beaten my giant, which means you're exceptionally strong. . . . but, you've also bested my Spaniard which means you must have studied. . . so I can clearly not choose the tomato in front of me.
Anyway, its a Monday and that's all I've got right now. Oh that and the nutter post from Friday:
In case you were wondering, Boston lost last night but they're going to win tonight so its all good.
In fact we've had 3 mice: the original mouse who started the tomato caper, the second mouse who was smaller and nearly escaped the trap, (Kelly found him butt first in the trap like he managed to get in, eat, and turn to bolt, before tripping the mouse crushing bar.) and the third mouse who has actually successfully escaped the trap. . . we found the trap tripped but void of smashed mouse and void of the peanut butter we used to lure him in there.
So apparently this is a bit of Darwinism on display. The mice council of elders sends out the big dummy mouse to see what happens. Blam, he gets smashed but they get a little bit of intel about the trap from his buddy who was watching and nudging "no you first Goober, you're good at this sort of thing, you'll be fine, I'll wait right here". So then they think, we just need a quicker mouse to beat the trap and sure enough they find a brave speedy little mouse who's happy to give it a go. He's marginally more successful but still smashed city.
So now they've sent out a new mouse who is apparently the right mix of speed and smarts . . . You've beaten my giant, which means you're exceptionally strong. . . . but, you've also bested my Spaniard which means you must have studied. . . so I can clearly not choose the tomato in front of me.
Anyway, its a Monday and that's all I've got right now. Oh that and the nutter post from Friday:
In case you were wondering, Boston lost last night but they're going to win tonight so its all good.
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