For those of you undeterred by the fart topic, here we go. A while ago my brother and one of his friends engaged in a great theological discussion of the humor potential inherent in the different types of farts. By different types, they mean smelly and loud. The discussion was distilled into the following question:If you could only produce one type of flatulence for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Smelly or Loud?
The two of them went on to discuss the comic merits of the SBD vs audible cheek flapping and they came to the conclusion that if limited to one variety of farting they would both choose SBD b/c of its greater potential for hilarity. I am not sure I agree with their selection b/c I personally find the toot sound to be far more entertaining than the toot smell. In fact I don't really find the toot smell at all entertaining. When I told my brother as much he said "whatever you're a girl" I will concede that farting as entertainment is for the most part a male pastime however I still think the sound is funnier than the smell.
But more interesting to me is the fact that I believe guys will approach the question of which type of fart they would prefer to produce from the standpoint of comedic potential where girls will approach it from the standpoint of easiest to disguise. Although pure conjecture, I believe that for a girl, which type of fart they would choose to produce will directly relate to which type of fart they can get away with producing without being Id's at the tooter.
Now I know not all girls are the same and not all boys are the same and that some girls out there love to fart for the laughs and some boys out there just want their toots to go unnoticed. But all in all I still believe that boys are going to select the type of toot based on hilarity factor and girls are going to select based on humiliation factor.
Go ahead, prove me wrong.
In case you were wondering which type I would choose, you'll have to keep on wondering.
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