Who invents this sort of thing? And why? What impasse did someone get to that necessitated that birth this invention? I mean part of me is horrified b/c I feel like some lazy booz hound tail gate obsessed American invented it to maximize their ability to be lazy and a booz hound. But part of me is sort of proud b/c really where else but America could you invent, market, and sell such a thing. I wonder if they make a hybrid version.
In case you were wondering, it is illegal to "drive" your Cruzin Cooler while under the influence of the very beverage you're carting around. It carries a non criminal charge of "driving while ability impaired". Seriously: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,428408,00.html
It is also Nutter Day, hip hip hooray. I will warn you all that this is comic genius with a bit of a melancholy twist. Erica, it is likely to make you teary eyed.
Remember its ~3/4 of the way down Bill's article in a right hand column bar:
Oh and I wonder if somehow I can get in touch with The Nutter about the Cruzin Cooler b/c maybe Dooze would like add this to her bucket list:

Thanks for making me laugh!
You will not be surprised to know that this very item fostered a family email discussion about whether this should be my dad's christmas present. However, the weight limit precluded us from buying it.
Having biked to our tailgate a few ago and arrived dripping wet and dogless, I can most definitely see the value in this. Part of the reason I can't tailgate hop is because it takes too long to get to different sites and the beer is too heavy. The inventor is clearly filling one of society's needs.
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