I was doing a little googling on St. Patty's day to see if there were any interesting fast fact that I might share with you. And low and behold I discovered that there is a Marvel comics Irish superheroine named Shamrock. Her super power was the ability to alter her luck and the luck of others within a 20-foot radius. I think thanks a pretty wicked great super power. I mean you'd never spill anything on you, drop and shatter anything, trip and make a fool out of yourself, choke, get the hiccups, wait in line, get stuck at a red light . . . and on and on.
On the other hand, I don't know how good of a super power it is. I mean you can only really fight crime in a 20 foot radius around yourself. How much crime is going to go on within 20 feet of someone else - let alone someone dressed in a lime green hero unitard. Anyway, I thought it was interesting.
In case you were wondering, Shamrock's luck finally ran out so she hung up her tights and is now "the most sought-after hairdresser in all of Europe" and serving the likes of Shadowcat and Wolfsbane and Janet van Dyne. IBID: http://www.marvel.com/universe/Shamrock
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