Do you know what this is?

A while ago,
on a visit down to Warrenton, I left my
Nalgene on Squishy's kitchen counter. A few days later I realized where it was and called her to see if she had found it. The call went like this:
me: hey squishy is my
Nalgene in your kitchen?
squishy: what?
me: i think i left my
Nalgene on your counter, have you seen it?
squishy: i have no idea what you're talking about but you left your water bottle here the last time you visited.
That sparked a great debate that has lived
on ever since. Squishy's basic argument is that no one but me and a few overly athletic others, know what a
Nalgene is and that as such it should just be called a water bottle b/c that's all it is. My basic argument is that is just what they're called. Everyone who knows what a
Nalgene bottle is calls it "a
This of course isn't a real argument. It is just something we do to tease each other. However, the post regarding the possible poison in the plastic of certain water bottles resuscitated the Great Debate and Squishy decided to take a poll to see just how many people had any idea what a
Nalgene is. Here is the question she emailed to several of her friends:
Hello friends. I am in a little debate with a friend of mine over the word NALGENE. If you would be able to take a minute, please tell me if you know what this word means. If you do not, please do not look it up, but instead tell me what you think it means. Sort of a game of balderdash if you will.
Here are a smattering of responses she received:
I have no idea what the word means, but I know that it is a type of Jon's water bottles for hiking are Nalgene water bottles...they are practically unbreakable, supposedly. But, maybe you are referring to a different Nalgene? (because I thought it was maybe a brand name, like Band Aid???)
Ummm . . . isn't that the stuff that beer cozies are made from???? Ok, remember that I hate beer!!!!
You got me and Scott. It does not seem familiar to me and I would like to think I have a fairly good vocab.
I do not know what this word means. Nalgene - to be neglectful.
I was with Kevin when we opened it and he had no clue. (unless we look it up) Sorry we couldn't help. - to this comment Squishy added the following: This from my cousin Kathi and her husband Kevin. He runs marathons and was head council president of Jacksonville-the whole city!!
That is apparently supposed to be proof that even those who are very athletic and involved in politics have no idea what a Nalgene is. Therefore, no one really knows what it is and I am a fool ; ) I would assert that her friend Kelly's response in #1 is proof that I am not, in fact, a fool - Kelly knows precisely what a Nalgene is (she even sings its indestructible praises) she just doesn't know she knows. . . by any other name would smell as sweet
Now perhaps Nalgene's are not as ubiquitous as I would assert (the fact that I own four might skew my perception). However, they were on the Today Show for pete sake. Matt Lauer sat right next to HUGE NERD Doctor (who decided it was necessary to wear a stethoscope despite the fact that he was discussing chemically tainted water bottles and not heart disease or respiratory issues. And actually even if was talking about heart disease or other heath issues where a stethoscope might be needed, he sure as all get out isn't checking anyones heart beat on the Today Show. Maybe he thought he was going to be in one of those "I'm Not a Doctor But I Play One On TV commercials) and the two of them knowingly discussed Nalgene's. Sadly, some Nalgenes are fashioned out of the poison plastic. None of mine thankfully, but the one I gave my brother for Christmas is of the poison variety. Don't worry he's aware and I'll replace with a non reproductive organ destroying one.
All in all I believe the debate continues, she's right that to some, perhaps a majority of a certain slice of society a Nalgene is just a water bottle and requires no unique title. And I am right that to others, perhaps a majority of a different slice of society a Nalgene is a very unique drinking container and therefore is appropriately distinguished from the generic 'water bottles'.
This way is actually more fun. Neither of us would really enjoy being "right". It would limit the mockery options. As it is, I can promise you that in 50 yrs I'll be hanging out in Squishy's kitchen drinking out of a Nalgene and she'll be heckling me about it. We're going to be very entertaining geezers (at least to ourselves). So, call it what you like or call it nothing at all. The Nalgene is not for everyone. If it is for you, just avoid the #7s.
In case you were wondering, my favorite reply is #4, Nalgene - to be neglectful. I can go with that. I am going to see if I can work it into a sentence this week.
1 comment:
P.S. #3s and #6s were harmful too. Watch the video again.
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