Several months ago, on a post Parisian trip high, Kelly and I earmarked the week of June 23rd for a return trip to Paris. Our host with the most is soon departing Paris and we wanted to squeeze in one last trip . . you know, Paris in the Springtime la dee dah.
Sadly, as fate would have it two trips to Paris in one year just wasn't in the cards. Wow, just attempting to plan that sounds rather decadent. We resigned ourselves to not going but didn't totally abandon some sort of get away. Instead of gai Pari we settled on a camping trip in central Virginia. Decent trade off don't cha think?
After more research than necessary for this sort of a trip I selected Bear Creek State Park ( It was my first time in a Va State Park and according to the sign on the way into the park we were in for a spectacular time as the sign decleared "Welcome to Virginia State Parks, Voted Best in Country". By whom? I have no idea. When? Also no idea? Were there other State Parks on the ballot? Again, we'll just have to take the sign's word for it. In any case, Best in the Country or not, Bear Creek State park is a delightful little get away.
Its about a 2.5 hr drive from DC, if you don't hit any traffic, and it offers such ammenities as lake side campsites, boat rentals, sandy beachy area, decent trails to wander around on, and some great fishing . . . so long as you don't consider actually catching anything a requirement of great fishing. We were lucky enough to get a campsite right along the lake, which really would have been perfect if the people in the adjacent campsite weren't camping with a toddler that cried in 20 min intervals. And why I say cry, I mean wailed like someone had just dropped it from some great height. And when I say in 20 min intervals, I really mean it. Now I really am all for bringing your kids camping. My brother and I were hauled all around the German wilderness at relatively young ages and I think we're all the better for it - even if my brother never sets foot in a tent again. But seriously, either that kid hates camping or he has only one method of communicating.
Anyway, aside from the wailer they were pretty good campsite neighbors. The husband even came over one evening to tell us that he had just been chased out of the back of his truck by a 6 foot opossum. He seemed rather calm about the whole affair. We were decidedly less calm.
Other highlights:
1. we did get two nibbles while fishing but I was actually rather happy we didn't catch anything since we didn't have the tools to do anything about a fish stuck on a hook at the end of our poles. we did "catch" other things.
2. we got to see a cute little family of turtles sunning themselves as well as a little baby turtle breaking out on his own. yes, this is a highlight.
3. we took a hike/stroll in the woods to go see a swinging bridge crossing the Willis River and when we arrived it was currently under construction as the result of wood rot. Not to be deterred we set off in the other direction to see the other swinging bridge crossing another part of the Willis River. this one was decidedly not under construction but should have been. I skittered across it while Kelly wisely waiting on shore - at the ready in case she had to find some long log to drag me out of the river when the swinging bridge collapsed.
Under Construction
4. on the way home we stopped at Chubby's and got gas for $3.82 and a Chubby Cherry Chiller.
All in all it was a nice little get away despite not being Paris.
In case you were wondering, I recently took a ride in an envirocab and it was a delightful experience. Money meet mouth.