Grab a canvass bag, form a line with your fellow CSA'ers, evesdrop for tips being handed out by "the veterans", walk by a bunch of crates all containing vegetables you've never seen in your life, grab your assigned portion, move to the next crate of unknown vegetables, go home and stare at your bounty with wonder and confusion.
So here is what we came home with:
Pac Choi - yes I mean Pac not Bok although after extensive google research we cannot discern the difference between the two.
Broccoli - ok we recognized this one
Garlic Snapes - totally had to google this one and its worth doing b/c they're apparently tasty treats
Baby Onions
Salad Mix
Calendula - apparently its an edible flower that is a good addition to salads. personally I think it is not tasty
Sorrel - looks like spinach but with bigger leaves
I have to say the entire event took 10 min and was really pretty fun and rather gratifying. I did finally get to meet Farmer Leigh and he's not nearly the character that his emails would lead you to believe. And he has "very nice blue eyes" according to Kelly. I didn't notice, I was too busy trying to figure out what in the world to do with this . . .
In case you were wondering, my own garden is doing quite well too. . . despite being pillaged by squirrels and rabbits. Before I left for Anna's wedding I had two lovely little squashes, now I only have one . . .
But so far my tomatoes are untouched and looking quite delightful . . .
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