This morning I was doing the post event picture review to see what sort of gems I managed to capture. Being in the wedding made it a bit difficult to get pictures of the actual ceremony or some of the reception traditions but I did the best I could. I was pleased with some, entertained by some, and down right confused by others - sometimes I am just not sure what I think I see when I press "click"
Anyway, at the end of the batch were two of my favorite pictures. I didn't take them so I can say that. They were taken by Kayla, the 3 year old granddaughter of the proprietors of the B&B hosting the reception. She was quite an unexpected bundle of entertainment all week-end long . . . running around in her underwear blowing bubbles, following the bridesmaids around parroting "pretty dresses, pretty dresses", and sneaking into the Dywer family photo.
She's not a shy kid and at one point during the reception while I was sitting on the porch steps taking a breather she toddled over and said (arms outstretched channeling Oliver Twist) "camera please". Of course I obliged and then attempted to show her how to use the camera properly. She had absolutely no interest in this lesson and pried the camera out of my hands and started snapping away. After a few minutes of this I managed to convince Kayla that a camera of her very own was way better than my camera and I traded her for one of those disposable wedding cameras. She looked at it suspiciously for a moment or two and then toddled off to fill up 24 frames with pictures that I would bet look a lot like what she left on my camera . . .
In case you were wondering, Anna and Jody left this morning for 2 weeks in Thailand. I think they're going to keep an online journal of their trip and if they do, I'll be sure to share.
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