Friday, May 16, 2008

Fast Fact Friday

I had dinner with Anna last night and aside from just general catching up I also learned a few quite interesting tidbits that I thought I would share. . .

1. Coriander is actually the seed of the Cilantro plant. Maybe you knew this but I sure didn't.

2. There is a drink called: Hop, Skip, & Go Naked. The primary recipe is as follows:

1 bag ice
1 can limeade
1 can lemonade
2 liters Sprite® soda
1/2 gal vodka
1 case beer

Empty a bag of ice into a large cooler. Add the cans of limeade and lemonade, then the 2 liter bottle of sprite. Add 1/2 gallon of vodka and 20-24 cans of beer.

It sounds like a classed up version of the jungle juice that they used to serve during beach week in college. I find things like this rather intriguing. I mean what would ever make anyone think that mixing malt beverage and alcohol would be a good idea . .. ooh right frat boys. Also, what is lime ade?

Oh and as a preemptive strike against any sort of law suit let me make myself very very clear, I am not recommending that anyone make or drink or serve this concoction. If you're not 21 you should not be drinking Hop, Skip, & Go Naked . . . in fact you should be drinking nothing but milk, water, and hot cocoa. Even if you're 21 you might not want to drink something that combines beer and vodka, I can't really say how that will go down . . . or come back up. If you are the parent of a teen ager who has recently imbibed a Hop, Skip, & Go Naked its not my fault don't sue me. Also if you are under 21 or over 21 and not smok'n hot, you should refrain from Hopping & Skipping while Naked.

Hmmm, ok that is actually all I learned from Anna last night. Hope you enjoyed it.

If you're looking to be further entertained here is a completely odd "game" that I came across:

If you are good at this I want to know b/c I am not and I spend A LOT of time producing boring and mostly worthless documents in MS Word. Copious amounts of such documents and I really can only identify Time New Romans and Arial . . . oh and Wingdings, I know that one.

Here is a YouTube clip of someone who has totally lost they dang mind:

It is a rainy Friday morning, that's all I got folks.

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