Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Earth Day

I don't know what it is like where you are but where I am it is gorgeous out. Earth is really showing off and throwing herself/himself/whatever quite a party. If you're interested in the history of Earth Day, here you go:

The fact my brother is going to get a kick out of the most: the US Earth Day was established by a man named Gaylord.

Anyway, there is a lot of Earth that I haven't had a chance to visit yet. But from what I have seen so far I'm pretty taken with her/him/whatever. Here's to Earth, hip hip hooray.

In case you were wondering, Jim completed the Boston marathon in 3 hours, 41 minutes, and 32 seconds. He averaged an 8:27 mile pace, finished 9,671 out of 25,283, and raised over $9,000. Well done Jim, congratulations!!

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