Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Well its been a busy week so I haven't had a chance to actually sit down and "blog" - I wonder if they have added that to the dictionary yet. Verb, Noun, its got it all. Anyway, the sun is out, my muse is back, and I actually have quite a bit to share today . . .

#1: I have a great love of Alaska. It is one of the most spectacularly beautiful places I have ever been. Every time I go there I fall just a little more deeply in love . It also has some great husbands - just ask Beth and An. Anyway, telling you about how great Alaska is, is really sort of a waste. You just need to go there, you really do. But in the meantime I thought I would let you know that Alaska week is coming up on the Discovery channel. Check it out:

#2: Apparently discussing Nalgene bottles conjures me into the minds of my friends. I had four different people send me the links below (which I appreciate b/c I otherwise would not have seen this and I do enjoy people looking out for my health and well being.):

#3: I love the Red Sox and I really don't like the Yankees (particularly Poser Posada) but this is funny:

#4: I know this is pretty lame but it is none the less true, I detest having to make myself coffee. I think maybe I just hate monotonousness of having to measure out 3 cups of water and 3 scoops of grounds every single solitary night before I go to bed. It certainly isn't a difficult task and in truth only takes about 3.8 minutes but still, I HATE IT.

Now I am not telling you this to elicit sympathy. Nor am I asserting that this is in any way a real problem or anything more than me whining. I am telling you this to share with you the new love affair I am having with my free Senseo coffee machine. I got it for taking a survey and for paying $15 shipping and handling bucks. And it is coffee making nirvana. It has a big tank that you can fill up and will last for about 8 cups of coffee. It has little pods of coffee - think round tea bag filled with coffee grounds. And all you do is press 2 buttons and coffee comes out. Start to finish it takes 5 min and it is pretty good coffee, even has an espresso'ish froth. If you'd like one of your very own:;jsessionid=BD80C9610D28361C53E42F037B8F89B7

Say it with me people, Let's Go Senseo, Let's Go Senseo . . .

#5: This week-end is the KICKS Against Breast Cancer Soccer tournament in Maryland. This is mostly only noteworthy to me (and therefore to some of you) because William & Mary is going to be playing against Penn State. What this really means to me is JD vs Ann Cook - b/c I don't know a single kid actually playing in the game. I am just a huge fan of the people coaching the game . . . I will turn your flesh to alabaster, Then you will find your servant is your master. . . .not really but that pops into my head whenever I think of any of us coaching against JD.

#6: The CSA that Kelly and I joined publishes (via email) a weekly farm newsletter. It is written by the farmer. I have never met the man but based on these newsletters I am going to guess that he's an enjoyer of pot, Richard Bach, and VW vans with "give peace a chance" bumper stickers. His newsletters are typically about 6 to 8 pages long and have approximately 5 sentences of information about the actual farm. The remainder of the newsletter is a jumbly narrative that meanders through topics, timeframes, and subjects as if 4 different people are trying to tell 6 different versions of the same story. It entertains me but I never really have any idea what he's talking about. I just received this week's newsletter. It is 6 pages long and this is how it begins:

"Outside my window I see our car parked under the pear tree. And there's a blue bird on a lower limb of the tree.

A male blue bird with its bright shiny blue and rusty red feathers.

And every few minutes, there he goes, up in the air, hovers outside the car window. And then...

He attacks.

Attacking what? I don't know. I'm not a bird, not a male bluebird. I can only make a human guess.

Maybe that bluebird reflection in the window?
All's I can say is, with any confidence, he's nuts,

Male bird nuts.

But then, that's nothing new. this is the season, the time of year for nutty bird behavior."

From there he launches into a four page story about a pair of mating grouses who routinely made him late to work b/c they did their "mating dance" in the middle of his driveway.

At the end of the newsletter he let us know that there are free eggs available if we want to go pick them up at the farm this week-end. Also that the asparagus does not like cold damp soil so it is not ready to be picked.

In case you were wondering, all of my Nalgene's are number 2s so I am not in any danger of drinking nasty chemicals that will shrivel my reproductive organs.

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