Monday, March 31, 2008

Here, There, & Nowhere in Particular

I am sort of all over the place today. There is no real theme for this here blog post. So, read along at your own peril . . .

First thing I feel compelled to share is some educational entertainment I got from Kim a few days ago. She subscribes to a word-a-day type email thingie and their theme last week was Yiddish - Kim now speaks 4 languages (and Kim, I think Catalun and Yiddish seem to make great linguistic bedfellows so make new friends but keep the old ;)

Anyway, here are a few new words for your lexicon:

meshuga or meshugga (muh-SHOOG-uh) adjective. Crazy; stupid

megillah (meh-GIL-uh) noun. A long, tedious account

schnook (shnook) noun. A stupid, easily deceived person.

Second, I just heard the worst song in the world (at least for now. I am sure someone is out there at this very moment crafting an even worse song. . . in fact probably this guy is).
The song: She left me for Jesus
The "artist": Hayes Carll
I was tempted to include all the lyrics but really I think the chorus is sufficient:

She left me for Jesus

And that just ain’t fair

She said that he’s perfect

How could I compare

She says I should find him

And I ll know peace at last

If I ever find Jesus

I m kicking his ass

Yes, it is a country song. I have nothing more to say about that.

Lastly, there is rumor of some trucking strike tomorrow b/c the price of diesel has reached untenable levels for independent truckers. Liz and I have been mulling this over all day and we can't figure out what going on strike accomplishes when you are your own boss. But we're pretty sure it won't change the price of diesel fuel.

In case you were wondering, I am in 5th place in my March Madness pool going into the Final Four. And although it didn't pan out, this is about the best Final Four selection criteria ever:

"USC has the same colors as my high school, plays 30 minutes from our house and has a best player named "O.J. Mayo." That gets my Final Four vote."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Question for Scary to answer in her next blog - are there etiquette rules to when you can and cannot use the handicapped bathroom stall ( I will assume women's bathrooms have them as well)