Tuesday, March 4, 2008

In Case You Were Wondering

So I officially gave up blogging, just like I said I would, once Righty healed (by healed I mean cleared to play soccer with a high dose of drugs and a tape job like armor). Then I started again but only b/c it was such a good cause and I had a partner. But then Andy returned from Afghanistan and Kelly decided that she didn't have anything more to say about a GI Joe Barbie Doll. I filed for sole custody but she won't grant it and to be honest dragging a doll around on adventures veers away from funny and sharply towards sad when done solo. So, I quit blogging for a second time. Now I'd like to say that there was a great cry of despair from my blogging audience when Operation Camo Cake faded to black and that is what has brought me back to the blog-o-sphere but frankly that would be a fib. I did get a few comments here and there from friends who wondered when I was going to start up another blog. And although the comments were somewhat encouraging, they were more along the lines of WHEN are you going to start up again b/c we know that you just can't resist the urge to fill cyber space with mindless prattle. And clearly I can't.

So, here is blog take 3, part trois, the 3rd, III. It'll will be a daily, weekly, monthly, whenever I feel like ity, posting of things you might be wondering about - or might not be but are bored at work and this is better than reading yet another inappropriate/irrelevant mail from someone who can't figure out the Reply All feature in Outlook.

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